Nervous System RESET

Our culture glorifies stress, but we can learn to feel peace in our entire being.

Whether you are navigating everyday life stress or traumatic stress, learn how to deepen your relationship with your body, and gently nudge it in the direction of relaxed, internal safety.

Do you often feel: 
  • overwhelmed, worried, anxious, or distracted?
  • the need to be busy, producing, or completing tasks?
  • life’s everyday annoyances feel like bigger stressors?
  • unresolved/recurring discomfort or pain in your body?

  • disconnected from your body, or that you live “in your head”?
  • restless or both wired and exhausted, even after a full-night’s sleep?
  • powerless to change any of the above?
You are not alone.
When we feel any of these, our body is in a state of stress physiology. Our modern culture calls on us to function over what we truly have the capacity for on a near daily basis. This isn’t to say we don’t experience happiness and joy, but chronic stress compromises all our bodies’ systems and saps our sense of overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, this is "normal" in our culture.

We can change this "normalized" stressed-out human experience to a more resilient and flexible way of being in our lives.

Nervous System RESET teaches you the language of your body so you can understand the sensations of feeling both stress and calm in your nervous system. In tracking this internal felt sense, we then use easy and gentle, evidence-informed somatic (body) practices to return to a better sense of ease in the body and feel present in the here and now. 

Over time, this helps us unwind deeper patterns of held stress in the body, and cultivate resilience to rebound from life stressors.

Clients often report feeling:
  • open, spacious,  & freer in their body
  • present, balanced, & at ease
  • a quieter mind & a clearer outlook on life

  • contented, joyful, & playful
  • refreshed & able to rest
  • confident & empowered

Feel Empowered in Your Own Healing

The beautiful thing about our nervous system is that it has what's called neuroplasticity, which means we have the ability to change: we can re-pattern our responses to life's challenges by using intentional awareness in being fully present in our body and in our life. All our bodies often want is acknowledgment, and when we're able to tap into knowing what our body is telling us, we commit ourselves in taking steps to feeling how we wish to feel.

We often give our power to practitioners in the hope that they can fix us. While in certain circumstances this is absolutely necessary, the Nervous System RESET process is about reclaiming our power and committing to the responsibility of knowing our own body. We can help to heal ourselves.

Imagine feeling strong and steady in your embodied self-awareness. You feel sovereign in your own being, and less likely to be swept out to sea by the minutiae and conflicts of life. Envision how being guided by the instinctual wisdom of your body will cause a ripple effect to those around you. You are open and spacious in your body, and you have a quieter mind and clearer outlook on life. Your self-empowerment inevitably models to others another way of being, and when we tend to ourselves, we teach others they can do the same.
Allow me to guide you on a journey to self-empowerment and self-compassion.


"Everything we experience, we experience through and in our bodies." 
– Dr. Alexandra Solomon

Autumn's Story

In 2018 I embarked on a journey to understand the deleterious effects of chronic traumatic stress and work toward heal my own nervous system. Growing my understanding of the nervous system and the messages of my own body has taught me how to manage life stressors in a thoughtful and purposeful manner and helped me appreciate my body’s innate wisdom. It’s further informed me why so many of us have deeply held patterns of tension in our bodies. My own path led me to completing a certification in Nervous System RESET Practitioner Training in 2023 in order to help reacquaint clients with their own bodies and move through life’s stressors with better ease.

Those of us who occupy human bodies are no stranger to how impactful stress can be, from the most minor of symptoms to the feeling that we want to crawl out of our skin. I have personally been able to heal from serious bouts of eczema and significant fatigue, both triggered by stress. I have a better felt sense of my stress levels and know when to take breaks and articulate my needs. Through nervous system work, I am more self-compassionate which has yielded a better understanding of and compassion toward others. Because becoming acquainted with our body allows us to tap into the wisdom of our gut instinct,  I am better able to pay attention to my interpersonal boundaries and advocate for myself in relationships. A recovering perfectionist, I've also gone from always needing a project to complete or feeling like I have no off-switch, to being able to rest and relax, and feel satisfied doing so.

My goal in working with clients is to provide collaborative guidance to instill empowerment, self-compassion, and respect for one's body.

The Nervous System RESET approach aims to:

  • Regulate the nervous system, thereby supporting better overall health
  • Educate clients about stress physiology and how it works
  • Promote Self-awareness by teaching somatic-awareness (body awareness) and cultivating a felt experience of internal safety in the body
  • Empower clients by connecting them with skills and tools that make a difference in their bodies and in their lives
  • Support personal Transformation as one settles into a new experience of greater capacity in the body

In the Nervous System RESET Process you will:

  • Learn about the signs of stress activation and settling in the nervous system
  • Learn how to track physical sensation to understand how your nervous system responds to different somatic (body) practices
  • Discover which sensory explorations bring you closer to a feeling of safety
  • Learn what your threshold of enough is and feels like
  • Learn how to safely experience restorative tremor 
  • Build a lifetime toolbox of resources that support your nervous system
  • Apply easy and gentle somatic (body) practices to help down-regulate your nervous system as you navigate the ups and downs of life
  • Cultivate a felt sense of internal safety and resilience
  • Feel empowered in response to life stressors and transform how you live in the world
  • Begin to live a more playful, present, joyful and pleasurable life

"When we are able to be fully present, we can thrive with more pleasure, wonder and wisdom than we could have imagined."
- Dr. Peter A. Levine

What You Need for Nervous System RESET Sessions:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and be in a quiet space with few distractions in the comfort of your own home
  • A few props, such as a yoga mat or towel, a light blanket, a few pillows, and a glass or bottle of water
  • Come with a curious state of being 
  • Ask any clarifying questions about the educational material or practices after we check in and review from the previous session
  • Around 5-8 minutes per day between sessions are only needed to do these safe and gentle somatic practices at home

What You Receive in the Nervous System RESET Process:

  • 1 Compassionate Listening Intake Session (90-minutes)
  • Up to 8 Private Resourcing Sessions* (30-60-minutes) over 3 months (the first 4-6 sessions are weekly, then spaced out based on your needs)
  • Email support between sessions
  • Access to 5 educational videos & a detailed guidebook
  • Effective self-care and anchoring practices for lasting change
  • Sessions are via Zoom so you can be in the comfort of your own home
    * If more than 8 Resourcing Sessions are needed to process this work, additional fees may apply

Investment for Nervous System RESET Private Sessions:

One Payment of $575
    Payment plans also available - please inquire
  • 1 Compassionate Listening Intake Session (90-minutes)
  • Up to 8 Private Resourcing Sessions* (30-60-minutes) * If more than 8 Resourcing Sessions are needed to process this work, additional fees may apply
  • Email support between sessions
  • Access to 5 educational videos & a detailed guidebook
  • Effective self-care and anchoring practices for lasting change

Our nervous system subconsciously shapes
and colors our perceptions and behavior. Partnering with our body at the nervous
system level helps gently shift us from
swimming in stress to feeling life is limitless.

Do you have questions about Nervous System RESET?

Schedule a free 30-minute Zoom call, and let's see if Nervous System RESET is a good fit for you. 
What do we do on the call?
  • I learn more about you, listen to what you're looking for, and what brings you to nervous system work 
  • Your questions can be answered in detail
  • You get a feel for me and see if there is resonance
  • Determine if we want to work together
  • No obligation - this is just an exploration
Regulation is the ability of our nervous system to be flexible enough to adapt to different situations. This means we're able to move in and out of stress: feeling calm and connected to others, to feeling high activation and overwhelm according to the circumstances we encounter, then back to a more relaxed state again.
Resourcing is our ability to support ourselves. We use internal skills (self-care and somatic practices) as well as external tools (support systems) so we are better able to regulate ourselves through our life experiences. Resourcing allows us to feel internal safety, increased comfort, and more at peace.
Resilience is the ability to regulate and resource ourselves as we meet life's challenges. We adapt to and recover from these challenges with the least amount of negative consequence to our well-being. In short, we bounce back from life events, and respond with consistency and with better ease.
Regulation is the ability of our nervous system to be flexible enough to adapt to different situations. This means we're able to move in and out of stress: feeling calm and connected to others, to feeling high activation and overwhelm according to the circumstances we encounter, then back to a more relaxed state again.
Resourcing is our ability to support ourselves.
We use internal skills  (self-care and somatic practices) as well as external tools (support systems) so we are better able to regulate ourselves through our life experiences. Resourcing allows us to feel internal safety, increased comfort, and more at peace.
Resilience is the ability to regulate and resource ourselves as we meet life's challenges. We adapt to and recover from these challenges with the least amount of negative consequence to our well-being. In short, we bounce back from life events, and respond with consistency and with better ease.

"Neuroplasticity is the umbrella term for the brain's [brain and body are not separate] ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life and in response to experience, as well as through repetition and intention, enabling the brain to form new circuits and to prune away old ones that no longer serve us. By redirecting our attention, we can literally change our brains, creating more gray matter in the very areas that help us learn, help us perform..."
- Dr. James R. Doty

Nervous System RESET Teaches the Following:

  • How to cultivate greater resiliency and adaptability in response to life stressors
  • How to use simple somatic practices to support and gradually down-regulate your nervous system
  • How to increase body awareness and the ability to sense safety or settling in the body
  • How to stay inside of a comfortable window of tolerance in your exploration so that you stay connected to an inner sense of safety
  • How to notice and track body sensations with curiosity and openness without being overwhelmed by them
  • How to follow sensory cues to read whether the nervous system is activating or settling
  • How to explore sensation in small amounts while orienting back towards a felt experience of safety in the body
  • How to recognize the tendency of overriding body signals and how to trust body signals and work with them in new ways
  • How to build effective self-care and anchoring strategies
  • At the heart of these practices is the nervous system recovery response, a gentle, vibratory neuromuscular reflex in the body which is a natural mechanism for stress recovery.  By learning how to access this restorative recovery reflex and to work with it in manageable and calibrated doses, you can gradually discharge accumulated levels of stress (be it everyday life stress, chronic and ongoing stress, or traumatic stress) and guide your nervous system back to a healthier, more resilient baseline

Our bodies possess an innate wisdom and natural recovery response to move back into equilibrium, which unwinds tension, restores balance, and reboots our resilience. 

Learn to work with your body to better manage and relieve the effects of stress in your body and in your life.

Let's Get You Reacquainted With Your Body

While life calls on us to power through, Nervous System RESET gives us permission to be gentle and compassionate toward ourselves. I will guide you through the process of this foundational work, and most importantly, you'll learn to trust the messages of your body. 

  • Regulate your nervous system so you can manage life’s peaks and valleys better
  • Understand the language of the body and become attuned to its subtle whispers
  • Connect with physical sensations and feel safe in your body at a cellular level
  • Feel empowered by having skills and tools to journey through and step fully into your life
  • Build capacity and transform your nervous system to feel better ease in your body

If this work feels like a good fit for you, please reach out to me to begin to transform your relationship with your body.

Let's Work Together

Have further questions? I'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below.

Praise of Nervous System RESET:

“The Nervous System RESET with Autumn felt supportive, immediately applicable, beautifully nuanced, and individualized. I came away with lots of new go-to tools in my self-regulation toolbox, and a renewed confidence in my ability to know my own limits. Autumn's gentle guidance through this learning process made it a lovely experience. And the practices continue to support me!”
– ME, Beaverton, OR

"Working with Autumn has been a profound experience. Like many, I live in my head. I know what I think, but rarely take the time to sense what I’m feeling in my body. To be honest, I didn’t know this was an option. I didn’t know there were tools I could use to feel calm and safe in my own skin. My default was always to push through to exhaustion and use food and drink to destress. Just the other day, I had a minor crisis at work. I felt the familiar panic come over me, but instead of pushing through, I gifted myself with Autumn’s tools for “down regulating” my nervous system. Autumn taught me that I didn’t have to subject myself to overwhelm and stress. She showed me that with just a little awareness and a few minutes, I could feel in control again no matter what was going on externally. I truly believe that if more people used these simple strategies on a regular basis, we would be a much happier and healthier society."
– AB, Portland, OR
*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nervous System RESET has not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. This technique is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner. Results may vary between individuals. There are no guarantees, expressed, or implied.